LIFE WITH GOD is Richard Foster's first major new work for nearly a decade and is of similar magnitude to his classics: PRAYER, CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE and STREAMS OF LIVING WATER.The starting point of LIFE WITH GOD is that so many of us want to make the Bible the foundation of our way of life, but struggle to make sense of this huge, apparently disjointed book. Why is that Christians try so hard to place the Bible at the centre of their lives, but in reality get very little from it in terms of genuine life-transforming practice?
Richard Foster believes that it is because we fail to grasp the overriding coherent message of the Bible - that all of Scripture is unified around the theme of living a vibrant and dynamic life with God. Breaking up history into fifteen epochs that reveal the unfolding of God's plan for seeking out a relationship with us, Foster sees the Bible as 'the loving heart of God made visible and plain.'Readers will discover a whole new way to read Scripture, making it a doorway to a lifestyle we can master, rather than merely knowledge we understand.
Authors: Richard Foster
Dimensions (L x W x H cm): 12.8 x 1.6 x 19.7
Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9780340954959
Language: English
Number of Pages: 240
Published: Apr 2009
Publisher: John Murray Press